This is a portfolio of my fanfiction stories, a separate page from my original novel. I am Yuriko Shirayuki, I'd be using Shinigami as my main fanfiction author name. So, welcome to my fanfiction portfolio where you'll able to see the link through my stories, and to my other original stories.

Inception - Tribute -
Final Fantasy VII
First installment of my fanfiction for Final Fantasy 7. Inception interprets an ideal speculation, and events that may or can happen in the past of Final Fantasy 7. This includes the story erupting to the beginning of Final Fantasy 7, and the events that had happened in the current.

Derivation - Tribute - Final Fantasy VII
Derivation is my second installment for Final Fantasy 7 Fanfiction. This story will diverse more in the present of the lore, more about the happenings and an introduction of new added characters to the plot. Events on the present, and behind the scene criteria.

Salvation - Tribute - Final Fantasy VII
The future of the Final Fantasy 7, an event from 2010, all about the third instalment of my fanfiction for Final Fantasy 7. Salvation is a story evolving through the future of Final Fantasy 7. This involved a lot about Dirge of Cerberus, some of it had been made to make it as accurate as the lore.
My links!
I'm writing on Wattpad, and Tapas. You can get in touch by clicking this link below.